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Letter to parents: From School of Love director

Dear Parents, How are you doing? Wow! For many of us, our lives have been turned upside down and inside out as we now enjoy the company of our family 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Just a month ago you were sitting at your office desk dreaming of that special Spring Break family vacation you planned and looking forward to all of that quality time. And here we are. It’s a family vacation every day! ;) Except you’re stuck inside the walls of your own home and it’s not just fun family time. It’s actually no longer a vacation. Your home has officially become many things: a school, gym, office, restaurant, entertainment venue, church and more! For you, your spouse and your kids! You’re trying to find ways to make it all work and be the best parent, spouse, teacher, co-worker, Sunday school teacher, nurse you can be! You miss visits to Grandma and Grandpa’s house, chatting with your work buddies and coming home to hugs all around after a fulfilling day at work. This time can be a challenge as we adjust to new social and family norms. As we seek to be present and focused in many areas of our lives. We may be overwhelmed. But what if this world wide crisis could be good for you? What if we took this challenge and turned it into an opportunity? For the very first time, all around the world—we are all experiencing the same thing.  We have the opportunity to get to know ourselves, our spouse and, our own children in a whole new light. We have the chance to reinvent ourselves—who God wants us to be and our own personal goals, aspirations, and contributions to this world. The chance to date our spouse all over again in new and creative ways within the home—the chance to understand each other on new levels. And the chance to be ever-present in the lives of our children. To not only share about our day at the dinner table—but get to be a part of their every day. The chance to lean into their newfound passions and talents. The chance to be there for them in new ways as they lean into family and into the home when their peers aren’t around. When God created this world—He/She designed it with so much beauty for us to enjoy. Let’s make sure to get outside in it every day, even if it’s just in the backyard. Backyards and front porches are full of family bonding opportunities.  And God designed us as a unit—a family unit. He designed us to need each other. God designed us to learn and grow within the family. We teach each other every day. And it’s up to us whether we bring each other down or lift each other up. What if this is the greatest opportunity of your life? To slow down. To pray together and make memories together as a family.  Yes, it’s hard. Yes, it’s sad to not be able to go on endless Easter Egg Hunts with the kids. It’s scary and fearful as covid-2019 claims the lives of many. There is no downplaying the seriousness of this world pandemic. But instead of living in fear, let’s pray for those that are sick, take initiative in washing hands, taking necessary precautions and doing our part to help out where we can. And let’s face covid-2019 with a new determination.  A chance to create new bonding moments as a family. Create new traditions, new games. Teach our children games from our childhood. Bring out the old family photo albums. Humble ourselves and learn a new thing or two from our own kids. Let’s be role models for our children and take baby steps towards creating ideal families centered on true love. Let’s share about our personal love story with our kids. And make time for those conversations we’ve been meaning to have. Let’s get to know our kids deeply one baby step at a time. And share together like never before—so that when the time comes that they need you—they know you will be there waiting for them with open arms.  Let’s make the most of each moment and appreciate it while it’s here. After all, Family is the School of Love.

"We are born in the bosom of the family and we grow within the family. The family is our origin, our starting point and our school of love." - Rev. Sun Myung Moon

School of Love is here for you. And we invite you to join us in a 21-Day Challenge! SIMPLE FAMILY ACTIVITIES:

  • Conversation starter table talk cards

  • Create a family journal together

  • Make Vision Boards

  • Create Goals as a family and individually

  • Try/learn something new each week

  • Pray Together

  • Watch School of Love videos

  • Make new traditions like a Family Game Night

  • Go Camping in your backyard

  • Try a 24-hour challenge with your kids

  • Read a new book together

  • Make a Family Motto

That’s it for now… stay tuned for more from School of Love! Recommended Resources:

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