A lesson for KIDS ages 6-11. Did you know God gave us a special gift? The gift of a kiss.
Note to Parents- this lesson focuses in on saving your first kiss. If you feel your child is not yet ready, feel free to use our Sprouts lesson on "Patience" or if you feel your child is more advanced and ready for more feel free to use the Youth lesson on purity. You know your child best!
My kiss and purity is a sacred gift from God, precious enough to save for my future spouse.
“Love…comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” 1 Timothy 1:5
"Purity of heart illuminates your life with light and strength of character." -Hector P. Perez
"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." -Psalm 51:10
“When I was young, I once caught many birds and tried to make them kiss each other. To do this, I observed them preparing a nest and fed them, because even as a small boy, I wanted to see the birds love each other and sing songs of joy. I did this from curiosity about the laws of nature, as a child's experiment. When I think back now, I wonder how I continued those mean things. I became aware after a long while that love occurs as a very natural phenomenon. True love occurs within a natural, free atmosphere. I came to know about love clearly because I went through long years of experiments.” -Sun Myung Moon Blessing and Ideal Family
choose 1:
TREASURE: Do you have anything precious that you like to keep in a safe place? Like a picture or a toy? Who gave it to you? Where did you find it? Why is it special to you? And why do you want to protect it and keep it safe?” Allow for your child to share about something they have that they feel is precious and where it came from.
CASTLE: Create a castle together out of boxes to sit inside or build a small one out of blocks. Dress up with crowns, tutus, sword, shield.
Did you know that God gave you a special gift when you were born? It’s something that He hopes you won’t open until you’re blessed in marriage! It’s God’s most precious present. I wonder what that could be? Today we are going to watch a story about a Princess that received a special gift from God.
Watch this video together and read the script to your child.
WATCH VIDEO: The Princess and the Kiss by Jennie Bishop
Synopsis: A beautiful story of a Princess who received a special gift from God when she was born- the gift of a kiss. Her parents helped her to lock it away in a hidden tower until she was ready to receive it. After several suitors were not of interest to the princess, God brought her a kind-hearted, handsome farmer who asked the princess for her hand in marriage. The princess was filled with love, joy and excitement! The King and Queen blessed their marriage and the princess unlocked her special gift that she had saved her whole life to share with her husband- the kiss!
Do you think God gave you this precious gift of a Kiss when you were born? Yes, he did! Just like the Princess and the young farmer had a special kiss they saved for each other, God has given it to everyone. Where did the princess keep her kiss? (In a secret tower protected and hidden away in a special case.) Where do you think the farmer stored his kiss? If this story were about a superhero awaiting his heroine- where do you think he’d store his kiss? (In the headquarters, a hidden portal…) What kind of (imaginary) special hiding place would you like to keep your kiss in? (A treasure chest, secret door…)
Why do you think God wants us to keep our kiss in a special place? Why do you think we’re meant to wait for that kiss until we’re married? God gave us many beautiful and wonderful things, didn’t He? Like all the nature, animals, beaches, grass, our favorite fruits, family and friends! God, our Heavenly Parent, made it all for us to enjoy! God’s love was made real when your mom and dad came together in true love and created their precious child - you! You too are meant to become a husband or wife and parent one day. In order to have the most happy family and love in the future, God wants you to wait for the right moment.
It’s like riding a bike! Can you ride a bike when you’re a baby? No, silly! You first have to learn to crawl, walk, steer, balance and pedal! If you tried to ride a bike on your own as a baby, you’d fall down and get hurt. But if you wait to ride your bike with the help of your parents and some training wheels, you can become a master bike rider! Right?
It’s the same way with love. God created love and designed a special way for us to experience it. When we kiss someone, we connect not only with our bodies but with our hearts and this is a precious moment God wants for you to experience when you’re ready. In movies and tv shows you may see kids kissing, but it doesn’t mean you also have to do that to be happy. We can choose to take another route and not follow God’s design, but we will get hurt along the way and hurt others as well.
By choosing to follow the trail on the map that God has written out for us, we can reach the treasure at the end of the treasure hunt filled with excitement, anticipation and adventure! Imagine going on a long treasure hunt. How will you feel when you get to the end and embrace that special treasure? That’s how God wants you to feel when you have your first kiss! He wants it to be SO special for you.
So in order to save our first kiss for our future prince or princess, superhero or heroine, husband or wife, we must protect it! That’s not always easy. It may get harder as you get older and a boy or girl in your school has a crush on you and gives you special attention. Just remember then that your parents only give that special attention to each other. They dress up for a date night out with each other. Daddy doesn’t give roses to other women and mommy doesn’t wear fancy pretty dresses for other men. Mom and Dad have found their special person and save their kisses and special moments for each other only. You don’t have that special person yet- so you are saving those special moments for your future prince or princess, farmer, astronaut, teacher or fireman whoever he or she may be. Your future spouse is out there waiting for your special kiss too. (Note- If parents are divorced and single- share about how special your kisses were with their parent when it helped create your child. And how you’re also waiting for God’s guidance in your life. Take your own situation in to consideration- and share however it’s best for your child to receive God’s love and guidance on waiting and purity through some your own examples in life and hopes for your child.)
What should you do if someone wants to kiss you? Imagine the farmer boy was cleaning the horse’s stable and a pretty farmer girl in her sweet cowgirl boots came up to him, got close to him and tried to kiss him. What do you think the farmer boy did to save his kiss for his future wife? If someone wants to hold your hand, or touch you in a way you don’t feel comfortable about, or tries to give you a kiss, say “no thank you” and walk away. Don’t ever feel bad. That person will be okay. Let them know you just want to be friends. Always come and tell me anything that makes you uncomfortable or another grownup you trust if I’m not there there. I will always love you and am here for you ready to listen.
What if I already had my first kiss? If your child has already had a kiss and told you about it- first thank them for sharing so openly and honestly with you. Comfort them and let God’s grace and love flow through you. Ask them how they feel and let them share any emotions connected to that experience. They may not really have any feelings about it at all- perhaps it was just a silly childhood moment with pure heart of friendship- your child shouldn’t feel bad about that! Or perhaps they do feel bad about having lost their first kiss. Let your child know that although God has his original plan of waiting for your first kiss until you’re married- God also understands that sometimes we make mistakes. Just like God forgives you, I also do and I’m always here for you. When we make mistakes- we learn new things. It’s not about the past but about the now. You can always start new and make a new commitment to save special moments for your future prince or princess! We can pray together and I am here to support you in your new commitment.
This lesson already included a lot of discussion throughout the lesson! Use these questions to dig deeper or stimulate additional ongoing conversations:
What did you think of the men who came to marry the Princess?
Why did she turn them all away, but accepted the marriage proposal from the young farmer?
What kind of person do you think you’ll marry one day?
What kind of person do you want to be when you grow up? Kind, brave, smart, funny?
Why was it so special that the princess saved her kiss for her wedding day?
Why do you think it is important to protect your kiss? Why are you hoping and planning to save your kiss?
What are some ways that you can protect your precious kiss given by God? How can you prepare yourself as you wait for your first kiss?
What would you like to pray about together today?
God, our Heavenly Parent, has given us precious gifts that are sometimes invisible to our eyes, but more precious than we can imagine. Remember this precious gift of a kiss that God has given to you and keep it sacred. Remember that it’s hidden away for a while, like in a secret treasure chest, and when the right time comes, you will get to unlock it and open it to reveal the most magical treasure!
Thank you, God for all the wonderful and amazing gifts that you give to us every day. Thank you especially for giving (your child’s name) the most precious gift of her Kiss. Please grant (your child’s name) the wisdom to protect this gift until the right time comes. We love you and trust in your plans God. And we love (your child’s name) so much and are always here for her.
Use these activities together with your child over the next month to create ongoing conversations. Click on the blue links:
“Treasure Quest” by Jana Alayra Upbeat dance movement song about storing your treasure
“Cinderella” by Steven Curtis Chapman Sweet song of daddy dancing with his Cinderella until he gives her away one day.
“Butterfly Kisses” by Bob Carlisle Sweet song of a daddy’s butterfly kisses to his daughter.
“Everything” by Stacie Orrico song about waiting for her boy.
KISS DRAWING- Isn’t it nice that in the book the Princess and the young farmer could see their kiss and hold it in their hands? We might not be able to actually hold it, so let's create a reminder that our kiss is real and with us. Draw a picture of our kiss. Just like each and every one of us is made uniquely perfect in God’s eyes, so is your kiss. Close your eyes and imagine what your kiss looks like: is it bright like the one in the book? Does it have fireworks or super powers? Is it blue or purple instead of yellow? Take your time and be creative! (Can also use a lipstick kiss on paper).
ORIGAMI BOX- Follow the link to create an origami box to put your precious picture of the Kiss in and encourage your child to treat it carefully as a reminder to carefully protect their kiss. Origami Box Craft
CASTLE- Build a castle together using blocks, craft supplies like tissue boxes & toilet paper rolls or a boxes to make a giant box fort.
ICE CHALLENGE- Try to build a ice castle out of slippery ice cubes! See who can make the tallest castle or work together to make one. (You can also pre-freeze special gems or treasures inside the ice cubes- resembling the special hidden kiss).
KISSES BINGO- (use Hershey kisses as place markers) Bingo Cards can be printed off HERE. If you like, fill in the blanks with words like: purity, sacred, heart, wisdom, kiss, God’s gift, wedding, blessing, princess, prince, superhero, heroin, treasure, map, true love, protect, be brave, be patient, trust God and ask your child to help think of some words that represent purity of mind and spirit.
TIC TAC TOE- Please tic tac toe together with Xs & Os (hugs & kisses). Have fun and remind your child that until your child is ready to receive God’s special gift, they should only receive special kisses from mom and dad.
TREASURE HUNT- Set up a treasure hunt beforehand and go on a fun treasure hunt together with your child revealing a special treasure box at the end. Dress up like pirates, say “arghh” and have fun! Remind your child of their special treasure.
BIKE RIDE- Go on a bike ride together. Enjoy beautiful nature and share about how proud you are of your child for growing up so beautifully and learning so many new things!
“How Do I Teach My Kids About Sexual Purity” by Covenant Eyes
“Purity & Our Kids” by Ryan Stevenson at Spirit 1056
“The Most Valuable Lesson” by Jario Vincenz-Gavin at School of Love